
Listen to sermons from Pima Canyon Church.

Current Series

Family Manifesto

Family Manifesto is an 10 week series on what we, as a church, believe on marriage and family issues.

Life of Christ

The Life of Christ series is a comprehensive study of the life of Jesus Christ, from before His birth to His last breath. Using accounts from all four of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), we hear Jesus' teaching to His audience then and to us today.

Life of Christ: Parables

Jesus uses parables to teach truth.  This is not truth that was just for that time but truth that has always existed and will continue to exist into eternity.  We have a choice to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him or walk away and be indignant toward Him.  

Life of Christ: Transformed

As Jesus continues His earthly ministry, He teaches about God's sovereignty, forgiveness, and His power to transform.

Life of Christ: Advent 2022

The Life of Christ series harmonizes the gospel accounts of Jesus' life. In The Advent 2022, we finish looking at the Sermon on the Mount in conjunction with the Advent themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.


Sermons preached on Easter Sundays

Life of Christ: Ready, Set, Go!

The Life of Christ series harmonizes the gospel accounts of Jesus' life. In Ready, Set, Go!, the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus' pre-ministry years are explored.

Life of Christ: Advent 2021

The Life of Christ series harmonizes the gospel accounts of Jesus' life. In The Advent, the birth and early life of Christ is explored.

Life of Christ: Deity Reveal

This series looks at Christ's life through the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. His everlasting existence, His advent and earthly ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection, as well as His final victory, will be explored. Part 1, entitled Deity Reveal, covers Jesus' existence before creation until His advent into the world.

Guest Speaker

Messages from those who come to speak at Pima Canyon Church.

