
Listen to sermons from Pima Canyon Church.

Current Series

Life of Christ

The Life of Christ series is a comprehensive study of the life of Jesus Christ, from before His birth to His last breath. Using accounts from all four of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), we hear Jesus' teaching to His audience then and to us today.

Family Manifesto

Family Manifesto is an 10 week series on what we, as a church, believe on marriage and family issues.


Sermons preached on Easter Sundays

One Offs

These are single sermons that are not part of a series.

Romans: Gospel Conversations

Romans is foundational to what we believe as followers of Christ. Each passage is an expression of the gospel and its importance for our lives.


Sermons preached during Advent

Guest Speaker

Messages from those who come to speak at Pima Canyon Church.


Ephesians tells us the truth about who we are as Christians.  We are blessed by God, we are redeemed, we are in union with Jesus, and we exist in community as members of Jesus’ church. John Stott calls us “God’s New Society,” and Paul explains just what that looks like in this letter.

