A Dressing Down

A Dressing Down

January 29, 2023 | David Deputy

Series Information

As Jesus continues His earthly ministry, He teaches about God's sovereignty, forgiveness, and His power to transform.

Follow Along with the Message

The Life of Christ Study 60 - A Dressing Down

You are What You Bear (Matthew 12:33-37)

  1. Trees are known by their  .
  2. Two challenges:
    •   - “What kind of fruit am I bearing?”
    • Withhold a   spirit. We all struggle with the flesh.
  3. We are not to quarrel over  .
  4. Who are you and who am I to judge a servant of God?

The Sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:38-42; Luke 11:29-32)

  1. “How do we miss the power of God?”
    • We miss it when we begin to become pharisaical in our relationship with God, sowing seeds of   and  .
    • We miss it when we take our eyes off of Jesus and allow ourselves to be   by legalistic rules and regulations.
  2. Stay   to Jesus so that your life will naturally be a   of Him.

Full Circle (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26)

  1. We are to be   by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:1-2)
  2. Our battle is not fleshly; it is   (2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:14-18).
  3. As our minds are transformed, the strongholds that were once held by Satan will be broken by the   of  .

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A Dressing Down

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