Parables: The Kingdom of God Coming to Light

Series: Life of Christ: Parables

Parables: The Kingdom of God Coming to Light

March 12, 2023 | David Deputy

Series Information

Jesus uses parables to teach truth.  This is not truth that was just for that time but truth that has always existed and will continue to exist into eternity.  We have a choice to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him or walk away and be indignant toward Him.  

Follow Along with the Message

The Life Christ: Study 66

  1. The Growing Seed ( 4:26-29)
    1. Review:
      1. These parables explain different   of the kingdom of God.
      2. Some   the message of the kingdom and others   it.
  • The kingdom of God has grown from humble beginnings the dominant force in the world.
  1. To be a part of the kingdom is to undergo a   change.
  1. The kingdom of God is   and it is
    1. God’s kingdom is present in the hearts of his people.
    2. Jesus has   us out of the world.
  2. The kingdom of God is not yet.
    1. Jesus’ kingdom will be   in fullness.
    2. The kingdom will be a physical locale where Jesus will reign.
  3. We are   and   in the kingdom.
  4. We are sanctified in the kingdom.
  1. The Light Under a Basket ( 4:21-25; Lk. 8:16-18)
    1. Parables, are not meant to be kept hidden  .
    2. Parables lay the ground work for the time when the lessons will be  .
    3. Jesus opens our   to understand the truths of the Kingdom.
    4. The principle of   - you reap what you sow.
    5. The more we seek the more insight we receive.

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