Being on Mission

Being on Mission

January 02, 2022 | David Deputy

Series Information

The Life of Christ series harmonizes the gospel accounts of Jesus' life. In Ready, Set, Go!, the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus' pre-ministry years are explored.

Follow Along with the Message

The Life of Christ: Being On Mission (Luke 2:41-52) 

 Missing but not Lost (Luke 2:41-46) 

1.  Three festivals:  

  • Passover – Israel’s   from Egypt   
  • Unleavened Bread –   flight from Egypt   
  • Shelters – God’s   in the wilderness

2. They traveled in loose groups for protection. 

3. Jesus was found missing the first night coming home. 

4. Jesus was found in the  . 

5. The pursuit of God in   is a pattern that Jesus set, and that we are called to, as well. 

 Primacy of Mission (Luke 2:47-51) 

1. Mary rebukes Jesus. 

2. Jesus’ response to Mary reveals two things: 

  • Jesus understands who He is, the  . 
  • Genuine   

3. Mary and Joseph are still trying to understand Jesus. 

4. Jesus resets the boundaries in their relationship. 

  • He loves them and is   to them but … 
  • He clearly states that He is now on  . 

 Cutting Forward (Luke 2:52) 

1. Increasing – move   to an improved state; chopping away obstacles 

2. Jesus, being wholly man, was subject to this same   process. 

3. He, being wholly God, was able to do so perfectly. 


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