Sermon on the Mount Part 4: The Law as Grace (Week 2)

Sermon on the Mount Part 4: The Law as Grace (Week 2)

October 02, 2022 | David Deputy

Series Information

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The Life of Christ: The Sermon on the Mount Part 4

Law as Grace (Week 2) - Anger

  1. The Law vs. Grace (Matthew 5:21-22)
    1. The law says, “You shall not kill.” Murder is an  , something that is done.
    2. Grace demands more: the   of hate and anger that leads to the act is just as much of a sin.
    3. Two examples:
      1.   a fellow member in the community of faith. Raca means “empty headed.”
      2. Calling a fellow believer an  .
    4. To harbor hate, malice, and anger in your heart and to act on it by slandering your fellow believers, is not something that represents the   of God.
  2. Reconciliation (Matthew 5:23-24)
    1. We are to go to the person we have  , and we are to go to the people that have offended us.
    2. Our relational problem with each other has   in our relationship with God.
    3. We cannot rightly   God if there is anger in our hearts or conflict exists with another believer.
  • Legal Consequences (Matthew 5:25-26)
    1. We are to   relationships in order to avert the wrath of God.
    2. When you choose to blatantly disregard God’s commands, expect God to use   measures to steer you back on the right course.
  1. Conclusion
    1. Take seriously …
      1. God’s expectation that we will not   hate and malice in our hearts.
      2. the command to go to the brother or sister in Christ that has something against you.
    2. You are not responsible for the other person’s reaction; you are responsible for being   to God’s commands.

Other sermons in the series