Sermon on the Mount Part 8: For God's Eyes Only

Series: Life of Christ: Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount Part 8: For God's Eyes Only

October 30, 2022 | David Deputy

Series Information

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Life of Christ: The Sermon on the Mount Part 8 - For God’s Eye Only

Practicing Righteousness (Matthew 6:1)

  1. Acts of righteousness are to be done for the eyes of God  .
  2. It is important that we do acts of righteousness but do so with the right  .
  3. The right motivation comes from our   as children of God.
  4. The purpose of doing acts of righteousness is to  God.

 Charity (Matthew 6:2-5)

  1. “give to the needy” = when doing acts of mercy
  2. As followers of Jesus, acting mercifully to others is part of the   that we live.
  3. Give in such a way that there is no   for others to praise you, but they will praise God.

 Fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)

  1. Fasting is something that is meant for God’s eyes only; it is  , between you and God alone.
  2. Fasting is never commanded in Scripture, but …
  3. It is seen as   and beneficial for the believer.
  4. Fasting is about taking our eyes off of the things of the world and reinforcing our   on God.

Other sermons in the series